
Hey there! I'm Omar Padierna.

By day (and sometimes night), I'm a Sr. Software Developer over at Meta, delving deep into the vibrant world of XR development. Whether it's for the Quest, iOS, or the coolest wearable gadgets, I've got my coding cap on.

Speaking of iOS, you could say I've been around the block. Multithreading? Got it with Operations and GCD. Diving into the world of graphics? Metal and OpenGL are my playgrounds. Video processing? AVFoundation is my jam. Need some sharp images? I'm all about CoreGraphics and Accelerate. And for the AI aficionados, I’m in cahoots with CoreML.

Now, coding isn't just about lines and loops; it's about structure and artistry. I’m all about nifty architectures, clean code, and the wisdom of Uncle Bob (he’s sort of my software Yoda).

From SDKs to full-blown apps, I’ve waltzed through design patterns like MVVM, MVC, and CLEAN, and grooved with Facade, Factory, and more.

But wait, there's more! My skill set extends to VR for the Meta Quest, integrating AI and computer vision magic into wearable gadgets with AOSP.

Passionately parked at the crossroads of research and software development, I'm currently conjuring up projects in computer vision and computational photography. Always on the lookout for that next big challenge!